by Joseph D. Tucker, searcHIV co-PI
HIV cure research is moving forward around the world, increasing the need for a comprehensive research agenda that goes beyond clinical and basic science fields. This urgent need motivated the International AIDS Society to launch a “Towards an HIV Cure” initiative with Psychosocial, Cost-Effectiveness, and Ethics working groups. Led by Drs. Cynthia Grossman and Dianne Rausch at the United States National Institutes of Health, members of the psychosocial working group wrote an opinion piece sketching out key research priorities in the journal Trends In Microbiology (see here).
The piece brings together social, behavioral, ethical, and economic research questions related to HIV cure research and underlines the importance of carefully listening to the voice of people living with HIV within the context of HIV cure research. In addition, social science research on clinician researcher perspectives is critical.
This social science research agenda will contribute to the overall IAS “Towards an HIV Cure”2016 research strategy that will be announced at the Durban conference in South Africa in July 2016 (more details here). Further information about the IAS “Towards an HIV Cure” can be found on the website here.