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joe200Assistant Professor, UNC School of Medicine
Director, UNC Project-China



PhD, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 2014
M.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2004
M.A., Harvard University, 2010

Research Interests

Syphilis and HIV in China, the implementation of routine integrated syphilis/HIV testing, particularly as they relate to Chinese social structures.

Research Summary

Crowd wisdom may be a powerful force to transform sexual health campaigns. My research focuses on this and related sexual health research bringing together infectious diseases, innovation, and social science. Much of my research has focused on China because of the pronounced resurgence of syphilis in addition to a strong capacity for coordinated public health responses. My team’s ongoing research uses crowdsourcing to promote HIV testing and linkage to care (PI, NIAID 1R01AI114310-01), examines the social science and ethics of curing HIV (PI, NIAID 1R01A108366-01), explores the health of African migrants in Guangzhou, and helps rebuild trust in patient-physician relationships (Harvard China Fund, China Medical Board). Our collaborative research brings together US trainees (Fogarty, Fulbright, Doris Duke) and Chinese trainees (PI, FIC 1D43TW009532-01) to work on joint sexual health research.


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Tucker Biosketch 



Joseph Tucker asking the hard questions at
Towards an HIV Cure Symposium in Durban, SA (2016).
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