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HIV cure research is rapidly evolving along with community perceptions and involvement in HIV cure research. Our team is interested in expanding and measuring community engagement in HIV cure research.  But what is community engagement? How can one put a ruler up against the attitudes, expectations, and the many stakeholders involved in moving forward HIV cure research? Although the overall task is daunting, we have made some small steps in this direction. Our blog is one step in this direction. We hope our answers to these frequently asked questions will serve as a foundation for slowly building up a better understanding of both measuring and improving community engagement in HIV cure research.

If a cure is found, how will it be accessible to the most vulnerable and marginalized HIV+ populations?
Answered by Dr. Joseph Tucker

How close are scientists to a cure?
Answered by Dr. Stuart Rennie

How do I get selected for an HIV cure trial?
Answered by Dr. Joseph Tucker


Additional Resources

AVAC: Cure

Information about the basics of HIV cure research and links to additional information about HIV cure research.

The Body: HIV/AIDS Cure: Research

A list of articles related to HIV cure research.

Collaboratory of AIDS Researchers for Eradication (CARE) 

Information about CARE’s HIV cure-related research and links to additional resources.

 The CUREiculum

The CUREiculum aims to provide accessible information about HIV cure research. Modules address a variety of topics related to HIV cure research, and include tools such as PowerPoint presentations, Webinar recordings, and other resources.

The Cure for AIDS Report

News about HIV cure research and a directory of clinical trials related to HIV cure.

HIV Cure Initiative

A multi-sectoral group building public-private partnerships towards an HIV cure.

International AIDS Society (IAS): Toward an HIV Cure

Information about IAS’s Towards an HIV Cure project as well as news and media related to HIV cure.


Information about NIH HIV cure research goals, notices, funding opportunities, active grants and scientific meetings, and external funding opportunity announcements.

POZ: The Cure

Blog posts, videos, newsfeed, and research updates related to HIV cure research.

Project Inform: HIV Cure Advocacy

A list of Project Inform’s posts and resources related to HIV cure research, including a glossary of HIV cure research terms.

Treatment Action Group (TAG): Cure-Related Research Resources

A list of websites, reports, articles, and clinical trials related to HIV cure research.

The  Michael Palm Basic Science, Vaccines, and Cure Project Blog, written by Richard Jeffreys (Project Coordinator at TAG), further discusses the science related to HIV cure research.

TAG has also compiled a chart listing current and completed clinical trials and observational studies related to HIV cure research.